NGC 404 is a small lenticular galaxy visible
in amateur telescopes near the star Mirach in the constellation
Andromeda. NGC 404 is located around 10.3 million light-years
away, just outside the Local Group but does not appear
gravitationally bound to it. It is notable for being within 7
arc-minutes of Mirach in the night sky, making it very difficult
to observe or photograph and granting it the nickname "Mirach's
Ghost". This is a good example of two apparently close objects
being at vastly different distances due to our line of sight.
Mirach is only 200 light years away, while NGC 404 lies at 10.3
million light years. Mirach is classified as a red giant star.
It is much cooler than our own sun, but because of its size,
shines 1900 times as brightly.